Political philosophy

It’s been a minute since I posted. Instead of policy or a long post though, I figured I would briefly delve into reasons why I hold the beliefs I do which lead me to being an egalitarian socialist: Universalism over naturalizationWe all universally possess individual autonomy and a capacity to reason. Yet, humans are alsoContinue reading “Political philosophy”

My favorite texts

I normally avoid top 3, 5, 10, etc. type of discussions just because of the cliché feel to it. However, I do personally find a handful of pieces indispensable to my worldview that not only elucidates my ideology but that I also feel are quite compelling arguments for the skeptics. So, below are four ofContinue reading “My favorite texts”


Unions are not an antiquated means of organizing. There’s a common notion among professional workers in the US especially who think unions are only meant for blue collars. However, I think the recent situation with Twitter shows how if tech workers had possessed a union beforehand, Elon might have never bought Twitter in the firstContinue reading “Unions”

Depoliticizing the queers

Warning: This post contains sensitive topics from sexuality around kink to extremist politics. With the rise of right-wing reaction across the globe in recent years and, domestically in the United States, a conservative Supreme Court hell-bent on tearing down established rights, things are not exactly looking up for queers in the near future despite whatContinue reading “Depoliticizing the queers”

When one becomes a threat to the order

Human distinctions are wonderful. Diversity should be embraced. Indeed, there’s plenty of crossover here between liberals and leftists as Matt McManus laid out (any emphasis is mine): For all their disagreements, liberals and leftists both tend to endorse the idea that, in general, societies should make space for people’s differences, because it is good forContinue reading “When one becomes a threat to the order”


This will be short as foreign policy is not my forte. Given the ongoing situation between Ukraine and Russia, a lot, particularly leftists, have been pointing fingers back at the US and other developed nations crying hypocrisy for our past actions as well as prior colonization from Europe. That’s all true. But what happened toContinue reading “Ukraine”

The welfare state is a must

My two most recent posts concerned social security and ownership of the means of production (MOP). Both of these discussed welfare income to nonworkers, more so the first. To reiterate, the primary socialist goal is to wrangle ownership of the MOP from capitalists to the public, ideally through mixes of state-owned enterprises, direct nationalization, variousContinue reading “The welfare state is a must”

This ain’t it chief

The left seriously pisses me off sometimes. Not enough for me to ever shed my socialist label, because any ideological camp contains “those people” given ideas like socialism, liberalism, and conservatism are so broad to begin with. What troubles me this time around is this: I’m not affiliated with any organizations except for loosely beingContinue reading “This ain’t it chief”

The hidden “Second Bill of Rights”

One thing that quite frustrates me is when I get accused of being an extremist for even the most basic social democratic policies I propose. It’s amusing though, considering what I propose is not too different than oh say this: That’s right. Franklin Delano Roosevelt actually proposed this in his 11th State of the UnionContinue reading “The hidden “Second Bill of Rights””

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